Why should I have a photo session on Vashon Island

I moved to Vashon Island last year, and I finally have a new studio that is ready for visitors.

I started to ask myself about what I am doing on Vashon and why should I offer photo sessions to my clients. I started to think that if this place has been magical for me, maybe I can show that magic to my potential clients whether it be in my tiny but mighty studio, or in the beautiful locations that I am discovering all the time.

So here is my list of reasons why having a photo session on Vashon Island can be a great idea.

Natural Beauty:

Vashon Island is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including picturesque beaches, lush forests, and scenic views of Puget Sound. These backdrops provide a beautiful and diverse environment for your photos, adding depth and visual interest to your shots and I should add especially in Black and White!

Peaceful Atmosphere:

Vashon Island offers a tranquil and serene atmosphere, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The island's relaxed ambiance will help you feel more comfortable and at ease, allowing for genuine and natural expressions, especially for busy road warriors who travel a lot for work or who work long hours.

Unique Locations:

Vashon Island is home to a variety of magical locations where we can create your photos. Whether you're looking for a rustic farm, a charming vineyard, a beautiful forest, or a deserted beach. Vashon Island offers diverse options to match your desired aesthetic and theme.


Vashon Island is a relatively secluded destination, making it an ideal choice for a private photo session. You can enjoy a more intimate experience without worrying about crowds or interruptions, allowing you to focus on capturing memorable moments without the crowds, especially for higher-profile clients.

Community of Artists:

Vashon Island has a vibrant artistic community and an artistic vibe. Let’s create something for you.

Escape from the City:

If you're based in Seattle or the surrounding areas, Vashon Island offers a convenient escape from the city. It's just a short ferry ride away, allowing you to have a mini getaway while still staying close to home. I suggest my clients come out for the weekend and explore, especially with children. I have so many tips and can show you all the local spots if you want.

Remember, the decision to have a photo session on Vashon Island ultimately depends on your personal preferences and the specific vision you have for your photos. I like to help you figure this out in our Discovery Session. In this session we talk about the feel you are looking for, the atmosphere you want to create, and whether photographing in my studio or in the natural setting on the island aligns with your aesthetic goals.

Whether it is my studio on Vashon or Seattle, your home in Silicon Valley, or your country home in Connecticut, let’s make some photographs! It is an investment you will never regret.